3K-4K High-Frequency Test 3K-4K High-Frequency Test Match three of the six words in each series with the correct meanings listed below. EXAMPLE Series: a. business b. clock c. horse d. pencil e. shoe f. wall 0. Part of a house = f 0. Animal with four legs = c 0. Something used for writing = d First Series: a. chapter b. explosion c. contest d. nerve e. motor f. lemon 1. part of the body which carries feeling = _____ chapter explosion contest nerve motor lemon 2. this moves a car = _____ chapter explosion contest nerve motor lemon 3. loud sound produced by a burst = _____ chapter explosion contest nerve motor lemon Second Series: a. boom b. sanction c. grant d. blanket e. container f. organ 4. wool covering used on beds = _____ boom sanction grant blanket container organ 5. box or bowl = _____ boom sanction grant blanket container organ 6. part of the body = _____ boom sanction grant blanket container organ Third Series: a. counsel b. essence c. bay d. monster e. nightmare f. unemployment 7. part of the sea enclosed by curved land = _____ counsel essence bay monster nightmare unemployment 8. large and frightening creature = _____ counsel essence bay monster nightmare unemployment 9. advice = _____ counsel essence bay monster nightmare unemployment Fourth Series: a. pond b. skirt c. glance d. excuse e. contractor f. rebel 10. quick look = _____ pond skirt glance excuse contractor rebel 11. small area of fresh water = _____ pond skirt glance excuse contractor rebel 12. someone who opposes authority = _____ pond skirt glance excuse contractor rebel Fifth Series: a. theology b. clerk c. band d. inside e. starter f. prevention 13. steps to avoid problems = _____ theology clerk band inside starter prevention 14. office worker = _____ theology clerk band inside starter prevention 15. small amount before the main part = _____ theology clerk band inside starter prevention Sixth Series: a. owe b. qualify c. rate d. register e. seize f. admire 16. need to pay for a service or item = _____ owe qualify rate register seize admire 17. to fit by skill or training = _____ owe qualify rate register seize admire 18. have a high opinion of someone = _____ owe qualify rate register seize admire Seventh Series: a. highlight b. melt c. murder d. assemble e. drift f. endure 19. to change form = _____ highlight melt murder assemble drift endure 20. suffer patiently = _____ highlight melt murder assemble drift endure 21. move slowly = _____ highlight melt murder assemble drift endure Eighth Series: a. scatter b. rebuild c. punish d. endorse e. confess f. chop 22. make suffer for doing wrong = _____ scatter rebuild punish endorse confess chop 23. cut into tiny pieces = _____ scatter rebuild punish endorse confess chop 24. throw or drop over a wide area = _____ scatter rebuild punish endorse confess chop Nineth Series: a. slight b. desperate c. curious d. brilliant e. naked f. distinct 25. different = _____ slight desperate curious brilliant naked distinct 26. without clothes = _____ slight desperate curious brilliant naked distinct 27. small = _____ slight desperate curious brilliant naked distinct Tenth Series: a. lovely b. magic c. bitter d. fiscal e. driving f. casual 28. relating to money = _____ lovely magic bitter fiscal driving casual 29. beautiful or attractive = _____ lovely magic bitter fiscal driving casual 30. relaxed and not worried = _____ lovely magic bitter fiscal driving casual Try Again Thank you for playing! No answers are available. Go to Vocabulary Lists and Vocabulary Practice. Close window to return to Vocabulary Tests. Source:Words from COCA Search Test created by M. Quiter