2K-3K High-Frequency Test 2K-3K High-Frequency Test Match three of the six words in each series with the correct meanings listed below. EXAMPLE Series: a. business b. clock c. horse d. pencil e. shoe f. wall 0. Part of a house = f 0. Animal with four legs = c 0. Something used for writing = d First Series: a. mass b. noise c. climate d. mark e. steel f. explanation 1. typical weather in an area = _____ mass noise climate mark steel explanation 2. strong metal that can be shaped = _____ mass noise climate mark steel explanation 3. unwanted sound = _____ mass noise climate mark steel explanation Second Series: a. display b. illness c. symbol d. tomato e. philosophy f. atmosphere 4. study of the meaning of existence = _____ display illness symbol tomato philosophy atmosphere 5. an arrangement of things to look at = _____ display illness symbol tomato philosophy atmosphere 6. round, soft, and edible = _____ display illness symbol tomato philosophy atmosphere Third Series: a. interpretation b. peer c. moon d. enterprise e. pack f. utility 7. company, organization, or business = _____ interpretation peer moon enterprise pack utility 8. way someone explains or understands = _____ interpretation peer moon enterprise pack utility 9. things wrapped together = _____ interpretation peer moon enterprise pack utility Fourth Series: a. wage b. vacation c. survival d. fortune e. champion f. salad 10. money for work = _____ wage vacation survival fortune champion salad 11. winner of a sporting event = _____ wage vacation survival fortune champion salad 12. holiday = _____ wage vacation survival fortune champion salad Fifth Series: a. pride b. mix c. violation d. lawn e. plot f. representation 13. place covered with grass = _____ pride mix violation lawn plot representation 14. having a high opinion of yourself = _____ pride mix violation lawn plot representation 15. action that breaks a law = _____ pride mix violation lawn plot representation Sixth Series: a. emphasize b. mind c. suspect d. scream e. abandon f. arrange 16. feel annoyed = _____ emphasize mind suspect scream abandon arrange 17. put in order = _____ emphasize mind suspect scream abandon arrange 18. cry out loudly in fear = _____ emphasize mind suspect scream abandon arrange Seventh Series: a. resolve b. quote c. elect d. attach e. toss f. smoke 19. choose by voting = _____ resolve quote elect attach toss smoke 20. find a way to deal with a problem = _____ resolve quote elect attach toss smoke 21. fasten one thing to another = _____ resolve quote elect attach toss smoke Eighth Series: a. quit b. assign c. wipe d. respect e. possess f. witness 22. give someone a particular job = _____ quit assign wipe respect possess witness 23. stop doing something = _____ quit assign wipe respect possess witness 24. admire someone due to good qualities = _____ quit assign wipe respect possess witness Nineth Series: a. enormous b. ordinary c. holy d. inner e. extreme f. valuable 25. average and common = _____ enormous ordinary holy inner extreme valuable 26. very large = _____ enormous ordinary holy inner extreme valuable 27. related to God = _____ enormous ordinary holy inner extreme valuable Tenth Series: a. intermediate b. unlikely c. remote d. stable e. ongoing f. intellectual 28. steady = _____ intermediate unlikely remote stable ongoing intellectual 29. between basic and advanced = _____ intermediate unlikely remote stable ongoing intellectual 30. smart = _____ intermediate unlikely remote stable ongoing intellectual Try Again Thank you for playing! No answers are available. Go to Vocabulary Lists and Vocabulary Practice. Close window to return to Vocabulary Tests. Source:Words from COCA Search Test created by M. Quiter