504 Essential Words Test 504 Essential Words Test Match three of the six words in each series with the correct meanings listed below. EXAMPLE Series: a. business b. clock c. horse d. pencil e. shoe f. wall 0. Part of a house = f 0. Animal with four legs = c 0. Something used for writing = d First Series: a. rural b. obvious c. maim d. pursue e. torrent f. morsel 1. cripple = _____ rural obvious maim pursue torrent morsel 2. a small bite = _____ rural obvious maim pursue torrent morsel 3. follow = _____ rural obvious maim pursue torrent morsel Second Series: a. numb b. thrust c. decode d. devour e. shriek f. flee 4. eat hungrily, absorb = _____ numb thrust decode devour shriek flee 5. push with force = _____ numb thrust decode devour shriek flee 6. run away quickly = _____ numb thrust decode devour shriek flee Third Series: a. mourn b. scarce c. frank d. ingenious e. defiant f. vacant 7. clever = _____ mourn scarce frank ingenious defiant vacant 8. grieve = _____ mourn scarce frank ingenious defiant vacant 9. openly resisting = _____ mourn scarce frank ingenious defiant vacant Fourth Series: a. commuter b. juvenile c. unforeseen d. excessive e. weird f. solitary 10. young = _____ commuter juvenile unforeseen excessive weird solitary 11. one who travels regularly = _____ commuter juvenile unforeseen excessive weird solitary 12. too much = _____ commuter juvenile unforeseen excessive weird solitary Fifth Series: a. visible b. gleam c. wretched d. enormous e. manipulate f. vital 13. very unsatisfactory = _____ visible gleam wretched enormous manipulate vital 14. handle or treat skillfully = _____ visible gleam wretched enormous manipulate vital 15. essential = _____ visible gleam wretched enormous manipulate vital Sixth Series: a. bachelor b. surpass c. revise d. thrifty e. feeble f. villain 16. do better than, excel = _____ bachelor surpass revise thrifty feeble villain 17. careful spending = _____ bachelor surpass revise thrifty feeble villain 18. weak = _____ bachelor surpass revise thrifty feeble villain Seventh Series: a. plea b. defraud c. ignore d. audible e. uneasy f. homicide 19. restless, anxious = _____ plea defraud ignore audible uneasy homicide 20. murder = _____ plea defraud ignore audible uneasy homicide 21. request = _____ plea defraud ignore audible uneasy homicide Eighth Series: a. legible b. beneficiary c. pacify d. logical e. verify f. tumult 22. noise, uproar = _____ legible beneficiary pacify logical verify tumult 23. able to be read = _____ legible beneficiary pacify logical verify tumult 24. reasonable = _____ legible beneficiary pacify logical verify tumult Nineth Series: a. neutral b. extract c. roam d. grateful e. obtain f. victorious 25. get = _____ neutral extract roam grateful obtain victorious 26. pull out = _____ neutral extract roam grateful obtain victorious 27. wander = _____ neutral extract roam grateful obtain victorious Tenth Series: a. radical b. shrill c. fugitive d. conclude e. misfortune f. quench 28. bad luck = _____ radical shrill fugitive conclude misfortune quench 29. extreme = _____ radical shrill fugitive conclude misfortune quench 30. high-pitched = _____ radical shrill fugitive conclude misfortune quench Try Again Thank you for playing! Answers are not provided. Close window to return to Vocabulary Practice. Source:504 Absolutely Essential Words Test created by M. Quiter