High Frequency Vocabulary Practice: 31 to 40 High Frequency Vocabulary Practice: 31 to 40 Read the statement then decide if it's true or false. 1. She who welcomes immigrants is the Statue of Liberty. True False 2. Most instructors allow students to use either a pen or a pencil. True False 3. We can see atoms with the naked eye as they are so big. True False 4. Water is what you should drink if you are thirsty. True False 5. If you have a meeting with your superior, you should go. True False 6. In cold weather, few people wear their heavy coats. True False 7. If you can do your homework early, you should. True False 8. If you don’t know the person who is knocking on the door, say, “Who is it?” True False 9. Getting married is an important event in one’s life. True False 10. If you are not getting these questions correct, stop studying. True False Try Again See Answers1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. T, 6. F, 7. T, 8. T, 9. T, 10. F Thank you for playing! Close window to return to Vocabulary Practice. Copyright 2022 M.Quiter. All rights reserved.